Austrian Language and Culture (Advanced)


Widening of vocabulary, grammar exercises, communication, writing exercises, error analysis, information about Austrian region and culture.
Each lecture focuses on a particular topic with reference to Austria. i.e. fine art, Austrian film, current politics and economy. The teaching of regional and cultural contents is combined with a grammatical focus consistent with the language level of each group (starting at B1.2). Receptive exercises are followed by progressive ones. The students get to know new working methods, practice in communicative situations and will be motivated to work independently.
As part of the course, students give a short presentation of their home country with a topic of their choice. Short presentations are also to be prepared for a one-time excursion to Vienna's city center, which provide an overview of important historical events.

Art der Vermittlung


Art der Veranstaltung


Empfohlene Fachliteratur

No special reading required, review of German basic grammar recommended (e.g.: Dinsel, Sabine / Mayrhofer, Lukas: Deutsch Übungsbuch Grammatik A1-A2, Hueber Verlag)

Lern- und Lehrmethode

Station learning/learning circle, Think-pair-share, TPR (= total physical response), WELL (= wechselseitiges Erklären Lehren Lernen), ‘silent’ dialogue, discussions, excursion, research project etc.


1. Attendance is registered in accordance with the attendance list generated by the CIS. If previously excused, substantiated and exceptional absence (e.g. due to clashes with another course, where an examination must be taken) is accepted.
2. Participation: requires an active participation in the classroom, questions of any kind (grammar, geography, vocabulary ...) even beyond the course contents are expressly welcome.
3. Homework: is given after each class in the form of in-depth grammar exercises and one writing assignment. The delivery of home assignments is obligatory; the return of the corrected tasks takes place at the beginning of the next course.
4. Final test

  • Attendence and participation: max. 50 points
  • Homework: max. 25 points
  • Final test: max. 25 points.

Voraussetzungen laut Lehrplan




International Programme

Akademischer Grad

International Programme

ECTS Credits






Studienjahr, in dem die Lerneinheit angeboten wird


Semester in dem die Lehrveranstaltung angeboten wird

1 SS



Lernergebnisse der Lehrveranstaltung

After having attended the class, the students have widened or deepened their knowledge of German; they have learned new vocabulary and developed their skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking). Besides, they have a deep insight into the Austrian regional and cultural studies.

Kennzahl der Lehrveranstaltung
