Fixed Income and Credit Derivatives
Introduction to Fixed Income: Interest Rates, Fixed-Income Instruments, Basic ideas of pricing fixed-income products. Term Structure Models: Nelson-Siegel-Svensson, Cubic Splines, Parameter Forecasting. Interest Rate Derivatives: Callable Bonds, Interest-Rate Caps and Floors, Swaptions. Short-Rate Modelling: Introduction to models like Vasicek, Cox-Ingersoll-Ross, Ho-Lee. Interest-Rate Trees. Credit derivatives: Institutional background, common instruments and indices, market conventions; Credit Ratings; Fundamental concepts of credit-risk modelling. Rating-based models: Transition probabilities, migration matrices, Markov chains and generator matrices; Simulation; Pricing. Structural models: Merton model, risk structure of credit spreads, seniority structure; Simulation. Black-Cox model, KMV model; Capital structure. Intensity models: Discrete-time martingale models and implied pricing probabilities; Building blocks for pricing. Poisson processes, constant and deterministic default intensity; Cox processes, stochastic default intensity and affine models. Factor models: Concepts, conditional default probabilities, loss distributions, risk parameters, scenario stress-testing. CDO pricing: Homogeneous large portfolios and Gaussian copulas, tranche pricing; Compound, base and implied correlations; Bootstrapping
Art der Vermittlung
Art der Veranstaltung
Empfohlene Fachliteratur
Hull, J., 2018, Options, futures, and other derivatives, 9th ed., Pearson; Bluhm, C., Overbeck, L. and Wagner, C. 2010, Introduction to credit risk modelling, 2nd ed., Chapman & Hall/CRC
Lern- und Lehrmethode
Interactive teaching (lecture and discussion), solving exercises with pencil and calculator during the course. Optionally, MS Excel or a programming environment like GNU/R can be used by the students.
The grade will depend on the final exam (70%) and three take-home assignments plus class participation (10% each). The first assignment will be handed out in Class 1 and be due for Class 2; the second assignment will be from Class 3 to Class 4; the third assignment is provided in Class 5 and discussed in Class 6. The final exam will last 90 minutes and focus on understanding and applying the concepts and methods rather than straight reproduction.
Voraussetzungen laut Lehrplan
Courses in quantitative methods
Quantitative Asset and Risk Management (Master)
Akademischer Grad
ECTS Credits
Studienjahr, in dem die Lerneinheit angeboten wird
Semester in dem die Lehrveranstaltung angeboten wird
1 WS
Lernergebnisse der Lehrveranstaltung
Successful students are able to define various fixed income and credit derivatives, comment on their possible usage in asset and risk management and determine prices for them by applying different pricing models. They can paraphrase the no-arbitrage principle and relate it to pricing derivatives. Additionally, they are able to debate the validity of pricing models in real world markets and use simulations and stress testing to critically analyse possible shortcomings of the models.
Kennzahl der Lehrveranstaltung